
Central Public sector Enterprises (CPSEs)

  • National Thermal Power
    Corporation (NTPC)
  • Oil & natural Gas
    Corporation (ONGC)
  • Indian Oil
  • India Infrastructure
    Finance Company Ltd (IIFCL)
  • Steel Authority of India
    Ltd (SAIL)
  • Gas Authority of India
    Ltd (GAIL)
  • Bharat Heavy electricals
    Limited (BHEL)
  • National Buildings
    Construction Corporation
  • NBCC Services Ltd(NSL)
  • Rural Electrification
  • Shipping Corporation
    of India (SCI)
  • Housing & Urban
    Development Corporation
  • Bokaro Steel Plant
  • Airport Authority of India
  • State Trading Corporation
    of India Limited (STC)

Private sector organisations

  • Sony India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Infosys Foundation
  • Apeejay Surrendra Park
    Hotels Ltd.
  • The Oberoi Group
  • The Indian Hotels Company
    Limited (IHCL)

Nationalised Banks

  • State Bank of India (SBI)
  • United Commercial Bank

International Organization

  • Word Monument Fund
  • Aga Khan Foundation
  • The J. Paul Getty Museum
    ,Los Angeles , US
  • The British Museum

Government Organization

  • Ministry of Ports,Shipping
    and Waterways
  • Ministry of External Affairs