
Importance Of Cultural Heritage And Its Conservation

Cultural heritage means the lifestyle of individuals or groups of society expressed in language, art, artefacts, and their traits passed on from generation to generation. It explains ancestors, what they believed in, and how they lived. It can be tangible or intangible. Tangible cultural heritage means the things which one can store and touch physically. It includes clothing, monuments, and archaeological sites. Intangible cultural heritage means things that exist intellectually. They have values, beliefs, social practices, festivals, etc. It is essential to preserve cultural heritage for future generations.

Why Do We Need To Conserve Cultural Heritages?

Helps in promoting cultural tourism:

Historical monuments like the Taj Mahal, India Gate, and Charminar are significant tourist attractions for tourists. They are a great way to promote cultural tourism in India. The Indian government is taking the proper steps to protect these monuments.

Helps in preserving identity:

Every ancient monument has some unique stories associated with it. These stories explain the history of the city's evolution and predictions about where the city is going to head in the future. They add beauty to the town and remind us that history belongs to everyone. Celebrating festivals is going to bring people together. Ancestors have passed these monuments, which help know what heritage is. It is everyone's responsibility to preserve them for upcoming generations.

Economic Growth:

The enhancement of the already built monuments will be significantly cheaper than building new ones. Not only this, but it also helps in employing the local population. The construction industry gets considerable benefits from heritage conservation. All these things lead to the country's economic development, and the cultural minister of India is taking steps in the right direction to make it happen.

Helps in increasing property value:

It is observed that the preservation of these historical monuments will increase their value and increase the importance of their surrounding properties. Mostly, the places near historical landmarks have higher property value than those that do not have any historical landmarks.

It is a part of something bigger:

Just like the advancement of technology is transforming the world, heritage preservation will also help the people living in this world significantly. It will bring people from different parts of the world with different beliefs and skillsets to work for a noble cause. It is going to promote respect among people. Heritage preservation is going to help future generations understand about definition of heritage.

The demolition waste can be reduced:

 A Research study shows that the demolition of a typical brick house can produce an average of 60 to 100 tons worth of waste. Imagine the waste that comes from demolishing these monuments. Hence it is better to restore rather than obliterate them.


Indian cultural heritage is vibrant and can astonish travellers from other countries. India is one of the ancient civilizations in the world. People belong to diverse communities having different beliefs and cultures and celebrate various festivals. It is the responsibility of every person to contribute to the conservation of heritage.